Spain was never really top on my list (I still have not made it to any of the places that were my top choices to visit before moving here actually). Shea always wanted to go. Lake was really excited about it during the planning process. Ange and Dave (secretly in the background) must have been okay with it too.
Well, it was a fantastic place to visit! We went to Madrid first and then to Barcelona. We had hoped to visit Segovia too but nixed it last minute so we could see more of Madrid.
Now, the Spain lifestyle does not suit me at all. I like to go to bed early and wake up early (I have always been a morning person). The Spanish, however, prefer to eat dinner after 10pm, call it a night around 3 and then start the next day around 11am. Thankfully, our time together in London had set up the travelling party to adapt quite quickly to this schedule. All nights were late. Very late.
All those late nights make for a thirsty morning (of Sangria) |
But we were also determined to see the sights of these cities too. This made mornings a bit rough and mostly doable by everyone (there were a few who needed extra sleep and liquids after a night of celebrating).
Only three of us made it out the first full day in Madrid. |
We were later joined by the rest. Dave and Shea attached at the shoulder. |
There are some interesting signs out there. This is from a scooter. |
In Madrid, we got to see a few museums (Museo Del Prado, Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza), a palace (Palacio Real), a park (Parque Del Buen Retiro) and various plazas that served tapas and drinks.
Views from the park. |
Us enjoying the sun at the park. Some burnt. |
Just a random lake for boating. |
Ange was captivated with little blue boy and his dog. |
In the park, there is the only statue dedicated to Satan. This is his fall from heaven. |
The palace for the Royal Spanish Family. Now it is only used for ceremonial events. |
Enjoying some shade. It was really hot! |
After going "teacher" on someone else for taking forbidden pictures in London, I did the same thing. This is the roof of the palace. Oops! |
I worked so hard to try to get a picture of these little buses. This is the best one. Because the roads are so small, normal buses cannot go down them. This bus runs every 10 minutes. |
We got really good at taking selfies! |
Thanks to Lake and Ange, we found some wonderful accommodations through AirBnB. We had a 4 bedroom, 4 bathroom flat in a great location! Unfortunately, one of the bathrooms was a bit tight.
It was a tight fit for Dave! |
After enjoying everything Madrid had to offer us, we took a train to Barcelona. Barcelona kicked our asses for the first bit. We arrived at our AirBnB-booked accommodations and started cleaning. The place was disgusting!!! Lake, being a man of action, made the executive decision to call the company and get us out of there. AirBnB started off giving us all these promises to find us new accommodations (it being 10pm at night already) but did not carry through on anything. We ended up finding a hostel for the night (because AirBnB stated they would locate us something for the remaining time in Barcelona). In the end, they did not and we wasted an afternoon trying to figure out where we could stay. It was a very frustrating experience. I don't think I would ever use AirBnB again.
The first sight we visited was La Sagrada Familia. It is an unfinished cathedral designed by Antoni Gaudi. It is completely unique and modern in design. A masterpiece. Everything about it relates to nature and God. He was truly a genius with the design and details. I would love to come back to Barcelona when it is complete (approx. 2020).
The exterior. |
A perfect time for a selfie! |
The passion facade. |
The roof. All the columns are designed to look like trees reaching up to the heavens. |
A spiral staircase to the roof. |
The alter. His knowledge and use of light is breathtaking. |
The Nativity facade. The cathedral sort of resembles a sandcastle. |
Such details in each sculpture. |
We also did a lot of wondering (getting lost) in Barcelona. Thankfully, we got to see some other wonderful things.
A random street in Barcelona. |
Continuing with the trend: Every major city needs an arc. |
One of the biggest lessons we learnt is that when travel buddies start getting cranky, they need alcohol. We solved many disagreements over a bottle of wine, pint of beer or glass of sangria.
We also pondered the great questions of life. |
Even with wasting most of a day finding accommodations, getting lost, and being tired, we are all happy and still friends after a pint! |
Although it would not go on for very long till someone ruined the mood. |
Friends on! |
There is always someone selling some sort of piece of junk to keep boys entertained. One night it was these slingshot things that lit up. The boys did this for about 2 hours. This gave Ange and I some quality sister time while supervising the boys.
The boys shooting their light things in the air. |
Of course, when you do this under a palm tree, one is bound to get stuck. So what do you do: you shoot the others up there to get it out. |
This game became quite the attraction. Especially when three were caught in the same tree. |
But this allowed us to make some friends. |
And gave us the opportunity to buy more useless junk... |
Like flashing sunglasses! |
I swear, we only had these things for 20 minutes but took over 200 pictures of us wearing them. |
They were pretty awesome. |
Its about 3am in this picture. The party is still strong in some. |
I think Lake is still upset that all the light shooting things are still stuck in the tree. And there they remained. |
Squirrel! |
It's not a successful night until someone has to be carried home. |
I think this is a chicken dance? |
Best friends forever! |
Lake in his hostel room. |
You think after a night like that, we would be ready to sleep in. Not true. It was time to take a Scenic bus tour!
You would never have known that three of us were so very happy just before this because it looked like one annoying traveler (and Ange) were not going to get on the bus. We all made it on though. |
Our first stop was Park Guell. Gaudi designed this enchanting garden. It sort of reflects a Dr. Seuss style with colourful mosaics, paths and patterns.
A green parakeet. These birds are everywhere in Barcelona. |
A pathway. |
Views from the top. |
My attempt at an artistic shot of the city. |
Some of the tile work. |
A roof mosaic. |
Supports to hold up a path above. |
Another selfie. |
Back on the bus. |
We then went to the waterfront to see the beaches. On our way, we saw a monument to Christopher Columbus. We thought he would be pointing towards the New World (west). Turns out he is pointing south. No idea why.
Christopher Columbus. |
At the beach. Only two went in. |
All this activity made for a sleepy (and cold) Lake. Notice he is snuggled into his backpack for warmth. |
Like all good things, this trip had to come to an end. We split off into three groups: one to Rome, one home and that left Shea and I alone.
Parting is such sweet sorrow. |
Shea and I had a few more days in Barcelona. We used it to catch up on sleep, walk along the beach and visit the Picasso Museum. The museum was very useful in showing the evolution of Picasso's artistic talent.
This is one of his early paintings. If you don't like his later work, you have to admit that he is talented just from this. |
,_by_Velazquez.jpg) |
One of his most famous works was to take this painting by Diego Valazquez and recreate it. He asked himself "what would it look like if I move this here and that there?" |
As a result of those questions, he created this. Unlike most artists who copy paintings, he chose to change it and make it his own. |
On our last walk of the beach, we came across this:
We found Euro-Disney. It looks kind of trashy. |