Thursday 20 February 2014

The Unwelcome House Guests

In the last few weeks I have come to miss snow.  A lot.  Mostly for what it kills.  You see we have moved from a house of four to a house of  six.  Thankfully the two new guests don't need beds or toys.  Otherwise I would have gained the nerve to evict them. Currently, we have  nice game going where I see them, freak out and run away.  Generally, I am saying things like "so gross," or  "Shea its time to move" while escaping.

They are nasty. They should have frozen to death in a snow storm. They really disgust me. They are slugs! Even typing the name, I shudder.  So gross!

And I have no idea how they got inside!

These two house guests make random appearances in the bathroom and in the kitchen.  I usually only see them when I am half awake in the morning while getting ready for work.  I scream and run away. Generally, a cat enters to see what's the commotion.  This led me to think that my cats were eating them because when I got the nerve to go back into said room, the thing would be gone.  That kind of grossed me out, until I realized that if the cats are eating them, then I don't have to live in fear OR get rid of them myself.  I don't even know how to dispose of them.  Do you squish them like a spider?  They look like they would like be full of a lot of nasty juices.

Well, the idea of my cats saving me from discovering what makes a slug came to an end when I was forced to face my fears due to running late for work.  I saw the little devil slither and hide under the fridge.  The other occupant lives under the bathroom vanity. 

Now that I have a bit more knowlegde of my enemy (and know that my cats are not so disgusting as to eat a slug), I still have a dilemma. How do I shake these house guests?

Currently, the plan is to make Shea get rid of them.  I figure, he's a boy. Weare married. Its his job.  I am just waiting for the right time when a slug emerges from its hiding spot, I see it and Shea is around to deal with whatever comes next.